Investing in developing countries is associated with major risks, particularly financial risks. We endeavour to manage these risks through a comprehensive investment process. We work strategically to build a pipeline and select the investments that we believe have the most potential. Regional offices play an important role in identifying potential investments. In the case of investments that are in line with our investment strategy and criteria, a more in-depth analysis is conducted. The investment organisation, working alongside experts in ESG, law, business integrity and impact, conduct a thorough analysis. Business plans, investment partners, sustainability (environment, working conditions, anti-corruption and human rights) and societal impacts are all analysed. The analysis is then reviewed by Swedfund’s Investment Committee and approved or rejected in a final step by the Board of Directors, or directly by the Investment Committee if it falls within the investment mandate granted by the Board. Each investment is considered to have the prerequisites to achieve the goals set in our three pillars: impact on society, sustainability and financial viability. The model on the right is described in more detail on the next pages.